Stella's Story: Part 1

Here is the beginning of Stella's Story: Stella's Story: Part 1
The rest is coming soon!

Routine Emotions

My heart is heavy today. 

It's not because anything really bad happened.  It is the normal routine events that make me think, and thinking makes me sad.  I guess that's why I've tried not to deal with my feelings for awhile now.  I'm realizing, though, that there are so many unresolved emotions that I haven't worked through.  But I need to, so I am.

Finn had his two-week checkup today.  It was kind of comical how excited Mike and I both were to take him to the doctor.  We had a bet on how much he would weigh.  I won.  Again.  (I also won how much he would weigh at birth).  I guessed 8lbs 5oz, and the scale said 8lbs 4.6oz. Victory! Finn's head also gained three-and-a-half centimeters.  Wow!  No wonder his hats are already getting small. Finn has his first chin roll, and he's smiling randomly.

When I think about our visit and how well Finn is growing, I get all choked up.  I know it sounds ridiculous, but I take absolutely nothing for granted.  Nothing.  "Routine" growth checks and milestones are anything but.   I want to shout from the rooftops that our son is healthy!

And at the same time my tears of joy flow freely, they are mingled with tears of sorrow.  Every little routine event with Finn is a painful reminder that our daughter isn't here with us. 

Sitting at McDonald's tonight, I watched an adorable one-year-old girl with feathery flaxen hair, fluffy from the static electricity of the slides, toddle around in her cute little pink-embroidered jeans.   My heart hurt. 

I heard a dad call out "Finn," from across the room, and I did a double-take.  Was there really another boy with the same name as my son in the same place when I had never met another "Finn"?  He was there with his sister.  His sister.  My Finn has a sister, too.  But he'll never know her, only of her.

I glanced at my sweet boy sleeping soundly in his carseat, and having him felt surreal.  Sometimes, I still can't believe he's here, and he's mine.  But, because he's here, she isn't, and she isn't coming back: quite a heavy reality for a mother who's lost a child. 

I have friends who have offered this reality as a comfort of sorts...that Finn wouldn't be here if Stella hadn't died.  I try not to get upset at friends who say this, but I don't find it comforting AT ALL that Finn is here because Stella is not.  If your parents were in a fatal car crash and your mom survived because your dad died, I wouldn't say, "Well, at least you have your mom."  Sure, you will be thankful that your mom survived, but NEVER at the expense of your dad passing away...It's the same situation with my Stella.  Logically, Finn wouldn't be here as a  newborn right now if Stella hadn't passed away when she did, but even still, I imagine her as a wobbly one-year-old babbling away and discovering her world as one-year-olds do.

Early today, my sons "routinely" wrecked chaos when told to play in their downstairs playroom.  Well, they were supposed to be in their playroom.  Apparently, they got bored of playing with their toys as intended (a hot wheels race track) and decided to get creative.  They snuck into the downstairs kitchen; Milo found a pair of scissors, and Ely found some fresh eggs from our feathered ladies.  I can just see the wheels spinning in Ely's head.  His train of thought probably went something like this: cars can roll down the track...that's boring...eggs can roll...let's see what happens when we roll eggs down the track...oops! egg's broken...I wonder if that will happen again...let's try it...oops!...two eggs broken...Daddy!  I didn't mean to... 

Sure, it's hilarious now, and it makes a great story, but my sons' "creativity" is quite a common occurence.  After hearing all the details from Mike, I looked at Finn and sighed.  Believe me, I'm head over heels in love with my little guy, but sometimes all the shenanigans (both present and past) serve as a painful reminder of the reality of boys, boys, and more boys.  And no girls.  No Stella. 

I am overcome with the fullness of my heart..full of the joy and wonder of a new baby boy and at the same time equally full of sorrow because I miss my daughter.  My heart feels heavy and ready to burst.


Anonymous said...

Your words are so piercing, so beautiful, and so eloquent dear friend. I wish I had more time to be around.

Anonymous said...

Jen I have to say it took me awhile to bring myself to read this post. I haven't gotten to the point where I have gotten to hold this little one yet but I know how hard it has been just being where we are right now. I keep thinking how each time we go to the doctor we hear everything looks good and all is well, and each time I think yeah and it was that way with Lilly as well. As we count down the days I keep thinking when is the shoe going to fall, I keep thinking it can't all go prefect. Then I remind myself God has made a promise that this child will be my rainbow in a sense his promise to us that our Angel is part of his plan and so is this child only this time we get to be the mom and dad for longer to the child here on earth. It has been harder and harder as Christmas aproches this year, these past two years we have lost someone special and had to go though the holidays without them, last year it was Lilly our sweet Lilly who I miss more and more each day as this little one prepares to enter our lives Oh Jen my heart breaks for you for all us moms who have angels in heaven waiting for us. Now this year we lost our Precious our other baby girl of the canine family. So we have two stockings that hold a special place hangin for each Lilly and Precious cause I just couldn't hang stockings for Seth and I and not hang the other two in memory and honor of sweet babies.
Jen my heart just breaks and all I can do is pray that God will continue to help both of us as we walk his path for our lives. I am so glad that he has blessed you with the ability to write like you have and share. I know have been hiding a lot more from my feelings and even more so from my walk with him these past several weeks. I just pray that we can both find peace this Christmas season as we think and remember the sweet child that our savior once was.

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This is the story of our daughter, Stella Rose, who went to be with Jesus after five days here on this earth. Stella was born with multiple birth defects due to a severe case of Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome. Although Stella is no longer with us in person, she has changed us forever. Stella's legacy is my journey on a new road without my daughter, and how God is working in our hearts.

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