Stella's Story: Part 1

Here is the beginning of Stella's Story: Stella's Story: Part 1
The rest is coming soon!


Every little improvement or normalcy is a cause for praise! I went to my weekly perinatologist appointment yesterday, and for the first time in my whole pregnancy, my amniotic fluid is in the normal range! 12 is considered normal, and my level was 12.37. Week 34 is the peak week for amniotic fluid, but hey, better to decrease from a normal amount of fluid from here on out. We're praying for Stella to hang in there and keep growing.


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This is the story of our daughter, Stella Rose, who went to be with Jesus after five days here on this earth. Stella was born with multiple birth defects due to a severe case of Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome. Although Stella is no longer with us in person, she has changed us forever. Stella's legacy is my journey on a new road without my daughter, and how God is working in our hearts.

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