Stella's Story: Part 1

Here is the beginning of Stella's Story: Stella's Story: Part 1
The rest is coming soon!

Stella's Growth Rate Declined

I had a perinatologist appointment today, and although Stella's condition hasn't worsened, she is now 4 weeks behind in her growth. She dropped from the 4th percentile to the 2nd percentile and weighs 2lbs 9oz. My C-Section has officially been scheduled for Monday, October 11th (at 38 weeks 6 days). We are really hoping for 5+ lbs at birth.

Two nights ago, I started experiencing pretty intense cramping. The doctor I saw today said that Stella is being squeezed, and her growth is being further restricted. He put me on medicine that is supposed to relax my uterus. The medicine (Terbutaline) is one that is often used for preterm labor, but it has a lot of controversy surrrounding it. It also has a lot of potential side effects. I'm really hoping that if it's good for the baby, my body will handle it well.

Please keep praying!


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This is the story of our daughter, Stella Rose, who went to be with Jesus after five days here on this earth. Stella was born with multiple birth defects due to a severe case of Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome. Although Stella is no longer with us in person, she has changed us forever. Stella's legacy is my journey on a new road without my daughter, and how God is working in our hearts.

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